Sarah and I went to
Djurite (Mt Arapiles) last week. It was a good week of climbing, eating, walking, and recovering. We didn't do anything particular hard (we were there to learn to lead climb), however, some of the climbs (Agamemnon and Muldoon) were quite scary. I mentioned it to a friend; he thought we were totally weak. I can still remember the feeling of looking down the 2+ metres until the last piece of protection and imagining what would happen if I fell. Even worse with Muldoon, a fall would have meant getting more than just a little freaked out. But I wasn't about to fall, I guess that's the important thing.
All the photos are
The schedule:
Conifer Crack, 80m 9 (lead, patrick)
Digeridoo, 35m 12 (lead, patrick)
Piccolo, 35m 11 (lead, patrick)
Revolver Crack, 20m 7 (lead, sarah)
Maximus, 13m 17 (top rope)
Agamemnon, 40m 11 (1st pitch, sarah; 2nd pitch, patrick)
Muldoon, 42m 13 (lead, patrick)
Diapason, 55m 8 (lead, sarah)